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Welcome to The Vitality Secret Podcast. I am Neil Cannon, author of The Vitality Secret, certified fitness nutrition specialist, health coach and creator of an award-winning online program. Listen to inspiring interviews with people who have reversed “incurable diseases.” Each person shares their journey of determination and curiosity, which ultimately prepared them for a far better life beyond survival…one rich in vitality. 

You’ll also hear from some of the world’s leading pioneers in holistic health.

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Nov 22, 2017

Mia Moran, author of Plan Simple Meals, shares how she came off allergy and hormonal medications, has been free of antibiotics for 8 years (when she used to take them regularly for ear infections) and how her children have never had to take antibiotics. Mia also explains how this was by accident during her weight loss journey after pregnancy. 


2.15 – Over course of pregnancy put on a lot of weight, was low on energy, exhausted a lot. Knew she had to make a change.

2.40 – Cooking for kids

3.10 – She was on hormone medicine and was off it within 3 days of making a shift

4.00 – After 1 week, came off allergy medication

5.15 – Conventional practitioners tend not to believe what has happened

7.00 – Chose to remove one prime inflammatory culprit

8.00 – What happened to her when she accidentally re-introduced this inflammatory culprit

9.00 – Looked into chronic fatigue syndrome, realised she had Celiac

10.00 – First things to take out when you have any kind of autoimmune disease

12.00 – How she came off allergy medications

13.00 – How she’d previously need to take antibiotics for ear infections

14.00 – Problem of immunity and antibiotics


15.00 – Realised how she wasn’t feeding her kids the best food at the beginning

15.40 – Realised her health was in her own hands

16.30 – Discovered how POWERFUL food is

18.00 - In the Western World We are stuffing our faces and we are starving

18.50 – Importance of MICRONUTRIENTS for immune health

19.30 – A book about raising healthy kids: We’re conditioned to think that it’s normal for kids to be ill for the first 3 years

20.00 – Given their own way, kids would love fruits and veggies

20.50 – The offensiveness of the breakfast cereal aisle

21.20 – Why triggers concentration problems – ADD/ADHD

22.00 – What triggers BRAIN FOG – and how her brain fog lifted

22.40 – Something she is most proud of, regarding her children

23.00 – The PRIME CULPRIT for every neurodegenerative disease

24.40 – Plan Simple Meals – Keeping Things Simple

26.00 – Importance of checking in to see how you feel after you eat something

27.00 – Importance of creating time to provide truly healthy food

28.00 – Rocks and Sand experiment

28.30 – A way to look at health as #1

31.00 – How it takes 7-15 tries for kids to like new food

32.00 – How to take your ego out of the situation

33.00 – How we show up can determine what our kids will eat

34.00 – Planning enables the meals to be prepared in advance

35.30 – Where to find Plan Simple Meals

36.00 – 1 method to form new habits

37.20 - #1 piece of advice

37.00 – Real change has to happen at the home dinner table

38.00 - Q&As.

39.00 – How to eat while travelling

41.25 – An idea to get around the expense of organic

Mia's site:

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